Step 1
Grades PK-5Our research has shown in the elementary grade levels Pre-K through 5 that the students who participated in the National Character Education Foundation (NCEF)'s Award Winning "Caring Habits" Curriculum had measurable increases in key behavioral and academic developmental areas:
- 18.5% Increase in school honor roll
- 22.5% decrease in detentions and suspensions
- State Standardized Science scores increased by 1.9 years
- State Standardized Math scores increased by 1.6 years
The final results showed these students had less behavioral and academic gaps as they entered Middle School.
Step 2
Grades 6th-12thThe National Character Education Foundation (NCEF) "Highway to Success" program is designed to provide students a continual pattern of character development with a strong focus on key academic requirements.
The program success is achieved through its structured goal-setting initiative designed to maximize and promote student self-regulation and goal accomplishment.
The results showed these students had less behavioral and academic gaps, required less remediation as they entered college, and showed improved workforce development skills.
Supporting Programs for Educators
Diagnostic Teaching Approach for EducatorsThe program is designed to assist educators at all levels to periodically detect learning gaps within individual students and groups. The program concept is to intercede before the educational gaps become too wide a margin for students to overcome.
Supporting Programs for PK-5
Musical Based Character Education program "Glad to Be Alive"The program design combines music and curriculum materials to assist schools in their effort to foster good behavior. The program also educates and inspires students to do well academically by providing instruction that promotes organizational skills, thinking skills, social skills, and coping skills.
Supporting Program for Alternative Education "Starting with Me Starting Today"The program connects adults of influence with groups of students who engage in sessions focusing on student leadership and personal responsibility.